Our consultation will focus on the key elements of the Beddington Farmlands restoration scheme that we propose to amend.
Large parts of the site will remain unchanged from the existing planning permission, Valencia continues to restore and manage these habitats, with this consultation looking at:
- A focus on retaining key elements of the existing Restoration management plan.
- Varying the acidic grassland to meadow grassland in the core of the site.
- Proposing a new phased restoration programme to create key habitats
- Creating a holding pool to store rainwater run-off from the landfill form to support the southern wet grassland.
- Creation of infrastructure near to the landfill gas compound to support the management of the Farmlands and handling of livestock.
- Formalising changes to the seasonal footpath network across the site, fencing, signage and way finding.
- Upgrading the permissive footpath surface.
A Biodiversity Net Gain assessment will be undertaken ahead of submission. Please click on the image below to open the presentation containing information on our proposals.